BEHRINGER EUROLIGHT LC2412 инструкция по эксплуатации онлайн - страница 2

Инструкция BEHRINGER EUROLIGHT LC2412 для устройства Lighting Console содержит страницы на английском языке.

Размер файла: 3.00 MB. Состоит из 25 стр.

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EUROLIGHT LC2412 User Manual

Thank you

Thank you very much for the confidence you have placed in us by purchasing the 

EUROLIGHT LC2412. You now own an outstanding, ultra-compact light mixing 

console, that features the state-of-the-art digital DMX512 control. In addition, 

your LC2412 is equipped with an analog output which allows to use it virtually in 

every environment you can think of. The design of the LC2412 (how it operates 

and how it is programmed) was constructed with controlling dimmer packs and 

standard spotlights in mind. To optimally use multi-function spotlights such as 

scanners and moving heads, you should use control consoles specifically created 

for this purpose.

Table of Contents

Thank you ....................................................................... 2
Important Safety Instructions ...................................... 3
Legal Disclaimer ............................................................. 3
Limited Warranty ........................................................... 3
1.  Introduction ............................................................... 4
2.  Control Elements ....................................................... 5
3.  Presets ...................................................................... 10
4.  The B Memory Section ............................................ 11
5.  Sound-to-Light ........................................................ 13
6.  Chase Control ........................................................... 13
7.  Additional Functions of the LC2412 ....................... 16
8.  Dimmer Control ....................................................... 19
9.  Installation ...............................................................20
10.  Specifications .........................................................22

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