BEHRINGER EUROLIGHT LC2412 инструкция по эксплуатации онлайн - страница 14

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EUROLIGHT LC2412 User Manual

6.1.2  Programming memory chase 

1.  Press the CHASE key  


  to begin programming, as described above.

2.  Select a chase using the DATA wheel. The displays shows whether you are 

dealing with a level chase or a memory chase. 

3.  Select “MEMORY” with the SOFT B key.


If you selected a level chase and then select  “MEMORY” (or vice versa), 
you are asked (in the display) whether you wish to program a new 
chase. Select “YES” to overwrite the previous chase.

4.  Select a storage bank using the UP/DOWN keys  


  and select a memory by 

pressing a FLASH key. This is indicated on the control lights. 

Fig. 6.3: Display “programming memory chase”

The displays indicates the memory and the storage bank in which the selected 

memory is located. Example:
STEP: 01    09 (memory)     04 (bank).
5.  Confirm your choice with SOFT A (“ENTER“).
6.  Enter as many memories as you wish following the same procedure 

(max. 99 steps).

7.  Exit the programming procedure by pressing QUIT.

6.1.3  Erasing chases

If you wish to completely erase a chase, do the following:
1.  Press the CHASE key  


  to get to the CHASE menu. Use the DATA wheel to 

select a chase you wish to erase.

2.  Use SOFT A or B (“LEVEL” or “MEMORY” in the display) to determine which 

chase type you wish to program after erasing chase steps. If you simply wish 

to erase, please select one option in order to get to the next window.

3.  Activate the shift function by pressing the SHIFT key  


Fig. 6.4: Display “Erasing chases”

4.  Use SOFT B to select “DELALL”. This way, all chase steps of the corresponding 

chase are erased. Now you can directly start programming a new chase. 

If you selected “MEMORY” under 2., you also have to press SHIFT.

6.2  Running and pausing chases

To select a chase: Keep the NUMBER key  



In the PROGRAMM display  


  you now have a readout of the number of active 

chases, the number of already programmed steps as well as the chase type 

(level or memory). At the same time, the chase is also shown in the control LEDs, 

but without being visible on the stage (automatic preview). 
If you keep the NUMBER key pressed, you can use the DATA wheel  


  to view all 

programmed chases.  
Use the SPEED control  


  to set the desired speed. 

Letting go of the NUMBER key activates the chase.

To view the chase on the stage, pull up the CHASE fader  


  and the MAIN 



Pausing a chase

There are several ways to do this:
1.  Pull the CHASE fader  


  down to “0” (faded out).

2.  Press INSERT or MANUAL.
3.  Disable SOUND or RUN mode.
4.  Select a chase containing no programmed steps.

6.2.1  Chase control through music

When an audio signal source is connected at the ANALOG IN connector  


  at the 

rear of your EUROLIGHT LC2412, the speed of chases can be determined by the 

bass rhythm of the music. Of course, a chase must be selected.
Table 6.1 shows the necessary setup:








Table. 6.1: Chase control through sound 

You can also trigger chase steps by using the STEP key  


. Use the X-Fade fader 

to regultate the fade-in speed.  

6.2.2  Chase control by means of SPEED fader (RUN)

To control the beat time of a chase with the internal beat generator, 

you need to activate “Run” by repeatedly pressing the SOUND/RUN key  



(yellow LED lights up).
Use the SPEED control  


  to control the speed.

Just like with chase control through music, you can also trigger chases at 

the same time with the STEP key (if applicable, you may use a footswitch 

connected to the FOOTSWITCH connector). Use the X-FADE fader to regulate the 

fade-in speed. 








Table. 6.2: Chase control via internal beat generator

6.2.3  Crossfading manually using the X-FADE fader 

(manual mode)

Press the MANUAL key  


. Using the X-FADE fader, you can fade in an out 

between two adjacent chases.






Table. 6.3: Chase control via X-Fade fader

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