ELEKTRON Model:Samples инструкция по эксплуатации онлайн - страница 45

Инструкция ELEKTRON Model:Samples для устройства сэмплер содержит страницы на английском языке.

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To access this menu, hold down the 


 key while powering up the Model:Samples. From here you can 

perform a variety of tasks. To choose the different alternatives, press the corresponding 



13.1 EXIT

Press the 

[TRIG 1]

 key to exit the STARTUP menu.


To perform this operation, press the 

[TRIG 2]

 key. All patterns will be erased. The data on the +Drive re-

mains intact. 


When performing a factory reset on the Model:Samples, it overwrites and re-initializes the active RAM 

project (including all pattern and global data). The +Drive project slot 1 is overwritten and re-initialized with 

factory preset patterns and settings.
If you wish to keep the active project, remember to save it to a +Drive project slot higher than 1 before you 

perform a factory reset. To perform a factory reset, press the 

[TRIG 3]


You also have the possibility to perform a total reformatting of the +Drive and at the same 

time perform a factory reset. Please keep in mind that it will empty the +Drive of all your sam-

ples and patterns and reset it to the factory content only.
To reformat the +Drive and make a factory reset, press [PATTERN] + [TRACK] + [TRIG 3].


Initiate the OS upgrade by pressing the 

[TRIG 4]

 key. Model:Samples enters a waiting stage, listening for 

incoming OS data, and “READY TO RECEIVE” are shown on the screen. For the transfer to be possible, the 

device sending the OS syx file must be connected to the MIDI IN port of Model:Samples. To send the OS 

syx file, use our free SysEx utility software C6. You can download the OS syx file and the C6 software from 

the Elektron website.


Please note that the backup only sends and receives project/pattern data. It does NOT 

send or receive samples. You can use Transfer to send and receive samples. For more 

information, please see


“12.6 TRANSFERRING SAMPLES” on page 44.


USB MIDI is not supported for file transfers in the STARTUP menu

On your computer, download the OS syx file, open the C6 software. Click CONFIGURE and select your 

sound card for MIDI In as well as MIDI Out. Drag the syx file to the C6 main window, then highlight it by 

clicking on it with the mouse pointer. Click the “Send” button in the top left corner of the C6 window.
As the Model:Samples receives the OS, a progress bar shows how much of the OS has been received. 

When the transfer finishes, the message “UPGRADING... DO NOT TURN OFF” appears. Please note that 

the upgrade takes a little while. The device restarts when the upgrade process is finished.

When you send the OS syx file, use our free Elektron C6 software. You can download it from 

the Elektron website.

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