ELEKTRON Model:Samples инструкция по эксплуатации онлайн - страница 42

Инструкция ELEKTRON Model:Samples для устройства сэмплер содержит страницы на английском языке.

Размер файла: 791.63 kB. Состоит из 52 стр.

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A sample is a 16 bit, 48 kHz, mono audio file.
Each of the six tracks in a pattern can contain one sample. A sample that is imported from the +Drive to a 

pattern becomes part of the active pattern. Any parameter changes applied to a sample will therefore not 

affect the stored sample. It only affects the sample in the active pattern. 
A sample used in a pattern can be renamed or moved and still work as intended. This is due to a hash 

function that adds a file specific value to every file, and this value is independent of the file name or the file’s 

location in the data structure. However, if you delete a sample, it is not included in any patterns anymore. 

If you delete a sample from the +Drive, it will not be included in any projects or patterns  



The +Drive sample library is where all the samples are stored and can hold up to 1 GB of samples. You can 

have up to 576 samples (6 banks × 16 patterns × 6 tracks) - with a maximum combined size of 64 MB (about 

11 minutes) - in the RAM of every project. A sample that is used on several tracks does not take up addition-

al space in the RAM.


You can assign any of the samples in the +Drive to any of the audio tracks. 

1.  Press 



 to select a track.

2.  Press 



 to open the SAMPLE ASSIGN menu.

3.  Use the 


 knob to navigate the folder structure to the sample you want to assign. Press 



 to navigate up one level in the folder hierarchy if needed. Press the 




of the 

active track while browsing to listen to the sample currently highlighted.  

4.  Press 


 to select a sample. Press 



 to exit the list without selecting a sample.

Once you have assigned the sample to a track, it can be triggered either by the sequencer or manually by 

pressing a 





You can also load multiple samples at the same time.
In the SAMPLE ASSIGN menu, highlight a folder and then press and hold 


 for a 

second. A popup appears that reads “LOAD WHOLE DIR” Press “YES” to load multiple sam-

ples from that folder to Model:Samples tracks. 
It checks all files in the directory for a suffix of 1-6 and loads the files matching this criteria 

to the respective track. If no matching file is found for a track, it fills the blank tracks with 

the first other not-yet-loaded samples in the folder. So if you have the samples BD01, SD03, 

MYSAMPLE999, CHORDY and HIHAT6 in a directory, it would load T1=BD01, T2=CHORDY, 

T3=SD03, T4=MYSAMPLE999 and T6=HIHAT6. T5 will be blank (if it did not previously con-

tain a sample).

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