BRAYER BR1102 инструкция по эксплуатации онлайн - страница 8

Инструкция BRAYER BR1102 для устройства кофеварка содержит страницы на русском языке.

Размер файла: 1.09 MB. Состоит из 39 стр.

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Switch the coffee maker on by setting the power switch 

(11) «0/I» to the position «I», the indicator (6) will light 

up and start flashing.


When the coffee maker is ready for operation, the light 

indicator (6) will glow constantly.


To make one cup of latte use a small filter (19) and 

press the «Latte»-button (8) once; the light indicator « 

 » will light up.


To make two cups of latte use a big filter (20) and press 
the «Latte»-button (8) twice; the light indicator « 


will light up.


 if you need to switch the coffee maker off during the 

latte making, press the «Latte»-button (8) again.
•  Remove the cup with the ready drink from the grid (2).


After you finish using the coffee maker, switch the 

coffee maker off by setting the switch (11) «0/I» to the 

position «0».


Wait until the coffee maker cools down, remove the 

filter holder (18) and wash the filter (19 or 20).

•  If there is some milk left in the cappuccinator, remove it 

and put the cappuccinator into the fridge (pic. 10), if you 

used all milk during making coffee, it is recommended 

to remove the cappuccinator and clean it (see the 



•  You can make necessary amount of frothed milk 


•  You can use the frothed milk for making hot chocolate, 

macchiato, masala tea etc.

•  It is important that milk for making frothed milk is fresh and 

cold and without additives.

•  Take usual whole milk with fat status from 4% to 6%, 

cream fat status is not less than 10%.


Prepare the coffee maker as described in the chapters 

above, but do not add ground coffee into the filters (19 or 


•  Place a cup of suitable height and capacity on the grid (2).

•  Direct the cappuccinator pipe (13) into the cup using the 

cappuccinator pipe angle adjustment bar (12).

•  Turn the frothed milk supply (intensity) control knob (15) 

to the right (in this position it produces more frothed milk) 

(pic. 8).


Switch the coffee maker on by setting the power switch 

(11) «0/I» to the position «I», the indicator (6) will light up 

and start flashing.


When the coffee maker is ready for operation, the light 

indicator (6) will glow constantly.

•  Press and hold the «Cappuccino»-button (7) for 3 

seconds, the indicators «   » and « » will light up. 

•  After making the necessary amount of frothed milk stop 

the process by pressing the «Cappuccino»-button (7) 


•  Remove the cup with frothed milk and use the frothed milk 

for the intended purpose.


After you finish using the coffee maker, switch the coffee 

maker off by setting the switch (11) «0/I» to the position 


•  If there is some milk left in the cappuccinator, remove it 

and put the cappuccinator into the fridge (pic. 10), if you 

used all milk during making coffee, it is recommended 

to remove the cappuccinator and clean it (see the 



•  We recommend cleaning the cappuccinator after the 

milk container (16) is empty.

•  Take the container (16) and remove it (pic. 1), remove 

the cappuccinator lid (14) from the container (16).

•  Wash the container (16) with a neutral detergent, 

remove the milk intake pipe from the cappuccinator lid 

(14) and wash it, rinse all the parts, dry them and install 

the milk intake pipe back to its place.

•  Turn the steam nozzle counterclockwise to the position 

«   » and remove it from the cappuccinator (14) body 

(pic. 11), wash the nozzle.

•  Set the cappuccinator pipe angle adjustment bar (12) in 

vertical position, take the bar (12) and slightly sway, pull 

the cappuccinator pipe (13) towards yourself, remove 

the cappuccinator pipe (13) and wash it.

•  Grasp the left side and raise the silicone plug, rinse the 

cappuccinator lid (14) under a warm water jet (pic. 12), 

close the silicone plug.

•  Install the cappuccinator pipe (13) back to its place, 

install the steam nozzle back to its place and turn it 

clockwise to the position «   » (pic. 13).


Prepare the coffee maker as described in the chapters 

above, but do not add ground coffee into the filter (19 

or 20).

•  Place a cup of suitable height and capacity on the grid 


•  Fill the container (16) with water, do not exceed the 

maximal level mark.

•  Install the cappuccinator lid (14) on the container (16) 

and install the cappuccinator back to its place until the 

lock clicking.

•  Direct the cappuccinator pipe (13) into the cup using the 

cappuccinator pipe angle adjustment bar (12).

•  Turn the frothed milk supply (intensity) control knob (15) 

to the right to the position « 



Switch the coffee maker on by setting the power switch 

(11) «0/I» to the position «I», the indicator (6) will light up 

and start flashing.


When the coffee maker is ready for operation, the light 

indicator (6) will glow constantly.

•  Press and hold the «Latte»-button (5) for 3 seconds, the 

indicators « « and « « will light up. 


After you finish using the coffee maker, switch the coffee 

maker off by setting the switch (11) «0/I» to the position 



Wait until the coffee maker cools down, take the 

container (16), pull it towards yourself and remove it (pic. 

1), remove the cappuccinator lid (14) from the container 


•  Pour the remaining water out of the container (16), wipe 

the container with a dry cloth and dry the cappuccinator 

lid (14).

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