4M Чудеса на кухне (00-03296) инструкция по эксплуатации онлайн - страница 4

Инструкция 4M Чудеса на кухне (00-03296) для устройства игрушка содержит страницы на русском языке.

Размер файла: 1.80 MB. Состоит из 7 стр.

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3. Stir the mixture until all the sugar has dissolved.

4. Add half a spoon of flavouring oil and 2-3 drops of food colouring to the hot sugar 

solution (this is optional). Allow the sugar solution to cool for about 6 hours. 

5. Place the prepared skewer (already coated with sugar) into the glass container 

and hold it in place  using 2 clothes pegs as in Diagram 5. Rest the clothes pegs 

across the top of the glass container allowing the skewer to hang down. Adjust its 

position so that it is about 2cm from the bottom of the container. Avoid touching the 

bottom of the container as the candy will stick to the bottom.

6. Leave the glass container in a cool place, away from strong light. Place a paper 

towel over the top to prevent dust from falling into the container. You should see 

sugar crystals forming on the skewer after about 1 day. The longer you wait, the 

bigger the crystals will be. Allow the rock candy to grow to the size you want. Remove 

it from the sugar solution and let it dry for a few minutes. It is ready for you to enjoy! 
Or you can wrap it in plastic wrap and savour it later.Or you can wrap it in plastic 
wrap and savour it later.

How does it work?

The sugar solution you made is called a supersaturated solution. This means that 

it contains more dissolved sugar than possible under normal conditions. This is 

achieved by mixing the sugar with very hot water. A supersaturated solution is very 

unstable and will crystallise easily. As time passes, the water will slowly evaporate, 

allowing more sugar crystals to collect on the skewer. By first coating the skewer 

with a layer of sugar, you provide a “seeded” surface for sugar crystals to grow more 


Fun Facts

Many crystals can be found on Earth. They are minerals that have had the chance 

to grow into their natural shapes which are determined by the chemicals they are 

composed of. Most of the Earth’s crystals were formed millions of years ago when 

the hot liquid rock (lava) inside the Earth has cooled and hardened. Most of these 

crystals took thousands of years to ‘grow’.








flavouring oil


Red food 



From the kit: 2 skewers

From the kitchen: sugar, steaming hot water, a glass container (glass or empty 

jam jar) which is a similar height to the skewers, 2 clothes pegs, paper 

towel, teaspoon, measuring cup. 

Optional: food colouring and flavouring oil.


1. First prepare the skewer. Ask an adult to help you with the 

following steps as hot water is involved. Wet the skewer with hot 

water and roll it in some sugar to coat the surface. Leave the skewer 

to dry for at least 6 hours. This sugar layer provides a surface for 

sugar crystals to grow in the later steps.

2. In the kitchen use the measuring cup to prepare a cup of 

steaming hot water. Pour it into the glass container. Mix it 

with 2 cups of sugar. 

Remarks: the combination of water to sugar is 

always 1 to 2. Adjust the contents in accordance to the size of the glass 

container. Do not fill the container to the top with hot water as when 

the sugar is added the volume will increase and cause an overflow. 

Two thirds of the container’s height will be ideal.

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