Acquiring specific images
5. Acquiring specific images
In addition to the acquisition functions in the
tool window, you can use
your software to make snapshots at your microscope and save the images as a
Furthermore, you can acquire images of specific types: Z-stacks and stitched
You can combine a series of separate images into one image file. A Z-stack
contains frames acquired at different focus positions. You need a Z-stack, for
example, to calculate an EFI image (Extended Focus Image) with the
Process >
Enhancement > EFI Processing...
A standard image is two dimensional. The position of every pixel will be
determined by its X and Y-values. With a Z-stack, the focus position resp. the
height of the sample, is an additional item of information for every pixel.
Use the
Process > Multiple Image Alignment…
menu command to have several
separate images combined, as with a puzzle, into a stitched image. (MIA stands
for Multiple Image Alignment.) The stitched image will display a large sample
segment in a higher X/Y-resolution than would be possible with a simple
The illustration shows left, four individual images. On the right you see the
stitched image made up from the four images.
5.1. Acquiring a single image
You can use your software to acquire high resolution images in a very short
period of time. For your first acquisition you should carry out these instructions
step for step. Then, when you later make other acquisitions, you will notice that
for similar types of sample many of the settings you made for the first acquisition
can be adopted without change.
What is a Z-stack?
What is a stitched