BLACKBERRY Pearl 8130 инструкция по эксплуатации онлайн - страница 224

Инструкция BLACKBERRY Pearl 8130 для устройства смартфон содержит страницы на английском языке.

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Certificate status

Certificate status indicators


The certificate has a corresponding private key that is stored on your BlackBerry® device or a smart card.


The certificate chain is trusted and valid, and the revocation status of the certificate chain is good.


The revocation status of the certificate chain is unknown, or a public key for a certificate in the certificate chain is weak.


The certificate is untrusted or revoked, or a certificate in the certificate chain is untrusted, revoked, expired, not valid, or cannot be

Check the revocation status of a certificate or certificate chain

1. In the device options, click Security Options.

2. Click Certificates.
3. Highlight a certificate.

4. Press the Menu key.
5. Click Fetch Status or Fetch Chain Status.

Change the trust status of a certificate

1. In the device options, click Security Options.

2. Click Certificates.
3. Highlight a certificate.

4. Press the Menu key.
5. Click Trust or Distrust.

6. If necessary, perform one of the following actions:

• To trust the highlighted certificate, click Selected Certificate.
• To trust the highlighted certificate and all the other certificates in the chain, click Entire Chain.

Revoke a certificate

If you revoke a certificate, the certificate is revoked only in the key store on your BlackBerry® device. Your device does not update the
revocation status on the certificate authority or CRL servers.


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