BODYKRAFT B2-12 инструкция по эксплуатации онлайн - страница 19

Инструкция BODYKRAFT B2-12 для устройства массажный пояс содержит страницы на русском языке.

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• Do not try to repair the device yourself.
• Use massaging belt no longer than 20 minutes at a time, and 
avoid continuous massage of one area for a long period of time.
• Make sure - that children only use the belt under adult supervision.
• Avoid excessive pressure on the device lest you should break it.


1. Massage should be pleasant and comfortable, after it 
you can expect a feeling of pleasant warmth and relaxation 
in the massaged area. In the beginning of use, during first 
massage sessions untrained people may feel slight discom-
fort, which passes in time when massage is regular.
2. If using BODYKRAFT belt causes you pain or strong 
discomfort, then before using it for the second time con-
sult your doctor.


• Acute feverish states (high temperature).
• Hemorrhaging and predisposition to it. 
• Various skin conditions suppurative processes. 
• Any acute inflammations of blood and lymphatic vessels, throm-
bosis, pronounced varicose.
• Mental disorders with excessive excitation states.
• Serious heart, lungs, and other internal organs conditions.
• Acute respiratory diseases.
• Bowels disorder (nausea, vomiting, and liquid stool).


1. Do not use BODYKRAFT belt to massage traumatized, 
swollen, inflamed areas or wounds.
2. Do not use the device’s high speed to massage your 
3. Do not massage the area around thyroid gland (just 

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