ELENBERG BS-7920 инструкция по эксплуатации онлайн - страница 13

Инструкция ELENBERG BS-7920 для устройства весы содержит страницы на русском языке.

Размер файла: 688.82 kB. Состоит из 15 стр.

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background image


ready  saved  parameters.  To  load  Your  parameters  press  “


button  and 

select user code by pressing ▲/▼ buttons.

  Example: the 5th user, female, 166 cm, 26 years.

2.  Step on scale.

4.  Wait until the digits stabilize.

  Weight readings locked and flash for 1 time.

5.  After the weight is fixed, scale will begin to measuring Fat/


6.  The result will be displayed 3 times in following sequence:

Fat % and status

Hydration %

Muscle %

  The “

” indication means that You are in good shape.

low Battery indication

The battery power is running low, please replace with a 

new battery.

over-load indication

The weighing subject on the platform exceeds the maxi


mum capability of scale. Please step off to avoid damage.

low fat% indication

The Fat% is too low. Please lead a more nutritional diet and 

take good care of yourself.

high fat% indication

The Fat% is too high. Please watch your diet and do more 



Error exists, please re-test to get the correct result.

Warning inDicaTionS

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