BENQ FP71G инструкция по эксплуатации онлайн - страница 11

Инструкция BENQ FP71G для устройства ЖК-монитор содержит страницы на английском языке.

Размер файла: 2.99 MB. Состоит из 33 стр.

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Getting the most from your BenQ monitor


How to install the monitor on a new computer

This instruction details the procedure for selecting and installing the BenQ LCD Monitor driver 
software on a new computer which has never had a monitor driver installed before. This 
instruction is only suitable for a computer which has never been used before, and for which the 
BenQ LCD Monitor is the first ever monitor to be connected to it.

If you are adding the BenQ LCD Monitor to an existing computer that has already had another 
monitor connected to it (and has monitor driver software installed), you should not be 
following these instructions. You should instead be following the instructions for How to 
upgrade the monitor on an existing computer.

1. Follow the instructions in

 How to install your monitor hardware

When Windows (2000 or later) starts, it will automatically detect the new monitor and launch the 
Found New Hardware Wizard. Follow the prompts until it displays the option to Install Hardware 
Device drivers.

2. Insert the BenQ LCD Monitor CD-ROM into a CD drive on the computer.

3. Check Search for a suitable driver for my device option, and click Next.

4. Check the option for CD-ROM drives (uncheck all others) and click Next.

5. Look to confirm that the wizard has selected the correct name of your monitor as "BenQ 



" and click Next.

6. Click Finish.

7. Restart the computer.

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