M-AUDIO Axiom 25 инструкция по эксплуатации онлайн - страница 29

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Axiom Line User Guide



3.7 Group A Controls


: For information on Group A memory recall, please review section 3.2.1.

The term “Group A controls” refers to the pitch bend wheel, modulation wheel, aftertouch, sustain pedal and expression pedal.  Each 
of these controls differs from other controls on your Axiom because these can be programmed to be active or inactive in each zone 

 This means for instance, that you can set the sustain pedal to work on Zone 1 but not Zone 2, or the pitch-bend wheel to affect Zone 
3 but not Zone 1.

In order for the Group A control to transmit on all zones, the channel assignment must be set to 0.  If a Group A control is assigned 
to any channel other than 0, it will behave in the same way as any other control on your Axiom.

If a Group A control is selected, when you press Ctrl Assign, the MIDI controller message you assign to the Group A control will 
apply to all the zones that are active at that time.   This means the MIDI controller you have assigned to the Group A control will be 
transmitted on all the channels the selected zones were assigned to. 

In order to prevent the Group A control from transmitting on more than one active zone, you can simply assign the Group A control 
to the desired zone’s channel.  This will prevent the Group A control from having an affect on any of the other zones, as long as they 
are not assigned to the same channel.

Alternatively, you can set the controller message to OFF if you do not want a Group A control to affect certain zones:


49- and 61-note versions:



Select the Group A control.



Press the Ctrl Assign button. The LED in the Zone/Group button lights to confirm your move. 



Select the zones that you do NOT want the Group A control to affect.



Use the numeric keypad to set the value to ‘000’ as described in section 2.4.2.



Press the minus (-) button to set the control to OFF.


25-note version:



Select the Group A control.



Press the Advanced button.



Press the Ctrl Assign key. The LED in the Zone/Group button lights to confirm your move. 



Select the zones that you do NOT want the Group A control to affect.



Enter the value “000” using the number keys as described in section 2.4.2.



Press Enter to confirm



Press the Advanced button again



Press the Ctrl Assign key again



Press the minus (-) button to set the control to OFF.



Press Enter to confirm. 




: If a zone is not enabled, the Group A controller will NOT transmit the data that is assigned to that Zone.

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